Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Recycling collection Wed 30 November 2011

Officers at Newcastle Borough Council have confirmed that industrial action on Wed 30 November will not affect collection of recycling in Butt Lane.

Monday, 14 November 2011

Labour Abandons Butt Lane Community Centre

Our last Focus pointed out how Labour councillors have abandoned Butt Lane Community Centre rather than work with LibDem representatives nominated by the Borough Council. The entire Committee has resigned, leaving users of the Centre very distressed. I am committed to keeping the Centre open and convening a new Committee in the New Year. In  the meantime, Borough Council officers will manage the centre.

I am grateful to Cllr Kyle Robinson for pointing out a genuine mistake in our last Focus.  He is correct in saying that Cllr John Evans was not appointed by Newcastle Borough Council to the Butt Lane Community Centre Management Committee. He served in a personal capacity. I apologise for any confusion caused.

The appointees to the Management Committee for 2010/11 were: Cllrs Silvia Burgess, Dennis Richards and Kyle Robinson. Unlike Councillor Robinson, Councillors Burgess and Richards were not allowed to take up their seats on the Committee.

When I raised this with officers at the Borough Council, they began negotiations with the Community Centre to rectify the situation. As no agreement had been reached by May 2011, the Cabinet declined to appoint any further representatives until the situation had been resolved.

It is my understanding that the Community Centre Committee resigned rather than admit Liberal Democrat Members nominated by the Borough Council.  Cllr Robinson confirmed the resignation of the whole Committee last week.

I wish to make it clear that, apart from three brief conversations in 2008, I have had no direct contact with volunteers at the Centre and have made my concerns through officers.

Cllr Dennis Richards

Monday, 7 November 2011

Kidsgrove Police Station: Labour does not like the truth

Labour councillors did not like Cllr Richards pointing out that police station closures are a consequence of Labour overspending in government at tonight's public meeting at the Victoria Hall. Now Kidsgrove Labour party wants to spend more money we don't have keeping a largely empty building open. Wouldn't your Council Tax be better spent on policemen and policewomen? See the link for a discussion of the issues on Whitehill Online.